RBI Issues Master directions and Guidelines for Banks and Non-Banking Financial corporations to hunt and resolve the risk and weaknesses in its operations. RBI guidelines are issued on recommendations by working groups in information security, E-Banking, Governance and Cyber fraud. These Master direction guidelines are mainly driven by the demand and need for mitigating the cyber threats coming out of evolving technology adopted by these corporations.
Since the entire banking heavily relies on electronic platforms and online transactions, cyber security is imperative. Hence, RBI expects banks to assess their Cyber Security preparedness. RBI mandates that a Top to Down approach in information security governance must be followed which starts from the Bank’s operating board, to IT and IS committee, and to level further down in the hierarchy. RBI also expects the Banks to report to Cyber Security and Information Technology Examination (CSITE) Cell of Department of Banking Supervision, with following details.
We at Pelta, provide end to end support and guidance on getting compliant with these laid guidelines, primarily in below mentioned seven areas: